Severe Weather Guidelines
If it is raining, training sessions and games are NOT cancelled. However, if there is standing water on the field (typically due to excessive rain over a period of days) or the threat of severe weather, cancellation or postponement is likely.
Team Managers will contact parents by 3:00pm on training days if practice is canceled. Parents should regularly check the club website and their email if weather is questionable. Please call your Team Manager or Coach FIRST if you are uncertain, or weather conditions degrade just prior to practice time.
In the event of thunder and lightning, HB Cav coaches will immediately clear players from the fields and seek shelter. If a shelter is not nearby, then players will be moved to the safety of cars. Coaches will wait 30 minutes after the last thunder or lightning before resuming training.
Parents: If the weather degrades severely during a training session, please make arrangements to pick up your player as soon as possible.
Clothing recommendation: wear dri-fit training tops, fleece, or breathable rain gear, not classic rain slickers which get very hot as they do not breathe. Please note for games, rain and cold weather gear must fit under the player's uniform.