How much does this cost?
Is this a Fit for my child?
It's the best deal in youth sports! Professional training has a cost of only $120 per child for 2 days of training a week for the season. $60 per child if 1 day of training is selected, choice of Wednesdays or Fridays is available but the day selected must remain consistent for the season. For the level of training, all soccer skilled coaching and simulated game play there isn't a soccer club in New England offering anything close.
The decision many families typically struggle with is when or if their child is ready to progress from recreational or town soccer. The Brookline Hollis Youth Soccer League is an excellent foundational and fun program for young soccer players starting as early as U4. Most young Cavalier soccer players come from within our town rec league system. We see the most common transition to club soccer in those children showing passion to learn and play the game of soccer who are in the 1st and 2nd grade but certainly not limited to just this age group. Boys and girls ages 8 through 12 make the transition every year and it is purely a family based decision. It is important to highlight, that families can have their children train with the Cavaliers and play on a BHYSL recreational team!
Playing club soccer for the Cavaliers is a stronger commitment than the recreational Brookline Hollis Youth Soccer league with more practice time and travelling outside the town to play weekend games. For those children and their families looking for a fun club which focuses 100% on providing the best learning and playing environment for your young soccer player, the HB Cavs may be for you.